Friday, June 8, 2012

The Descendants

I think I wrote this post 3 months ago and am just now getting around to publishing it. Oops.

A couple of weeks ago, I went to Kansas to visit my BFF, Kara. One of the agenda items (aside from cocktails, shopping and Chik-fil-A - in that exact order) was to knock out a few movies from my list. While not officially on the movie list, Troy suggested that we watch The Descendants (and go to Golden Corral, which we respectfully declined to do because, after all, we are two classy thirty-something ladies - see earlier comment about cocktails and Chick-Fil-A.) So, we considered it, but....we're pretty lazy. THEN the next day Angela suggested the same thing. This was clearly a sign.

We went to Best Buy and debated for a while whether you could play a regular DVD in a Blu Ray player. Finally I gave in and asked the 20 year old dude working there, which was somewhat humbling. I mean, I'm a pretty smart cookie but hell if I even know what a Blu Ray is. To be honest, it seems like more of a marine biology term than a technology term to me.

We went home to dig into the delicious beers purchased at Goebels which is pretty much the most amazing beer store I've ever been to. See for yourself:

Time to cue up the movie. I didn't dislike it, it was just very sad. As in, very, VERY sad. But it was well done. EXCEPT: The daughter's boyfriend, Sal? I could've done with him and his comic relief, because the "comedy" he added was cheap at best and for such a raw plot.

In summary, the highlight was the beer and the company and if I need some time with George Clooney, I'll just watch ER, thank you.


  1. I'm sure you're just dying for me to offer my opinion. Which is to say this movie-although nothing like my real life-is a little too much like real life. Sure my dad isn't george clooney, my mom didn't die, and we are totally loaded, but it felt a little too much like real life. No thanks. Entertain me, please. And bring me Chick-fil-a while you are at it.

  2. We *aren't totally loaded. Let's get that square.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. totally loaded on cocktails and chicken sandwiches.
