Friday, April 27, 2012

The Hunger Games | My Third Movie Theater Experience in Five Years

I WENT TO THE MOVIE THEATER! They have buffet style popcorn, those super awesome Coke machines, cheesecake, many hot dog options and hummus! I opted for a large popcorn, some peanut M&Ms and a half gallon of regular Coke Zero mixed with a half gallon of Coke Zero RASPBERRY! (!!!!!) You guys, I even went to an IMAX movie!

I read (and loved) The Hunger Games books and even if its a weird teen and/or trendy thing, was super excited for the movie. I've sort of been planning to go for months. Secretly, I was prepared to be disappointed but I really had high hopes.

No disappointment! The movie is over 2 hours long and I didn't try to escape once, in fact, it flew by. I thought the casting was good for the most part (except Gale is WAY too dreamy.) They had to pick and choose what elements of the book to bring in and I think they did a great job. Two favorite parts:

1. Katniss getting ready to start the games - she pulls of an extremely convincing "terrified."
2. Katniss and Peeta start hunting in the woods and Peeta says "Okay, I'll take the bow." It was the one time I laughed, I totally didn't see it coming and I didn't hate them for making me laugh at such a dark movie. (Unlike in The Descendants. I'm still mad they had that goofy college guy in there for comic relief. WTF. More on that in another post. )

I would totally go see this again. And again. And again.

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