Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Last weekend I was visiting my in-laws. During that special time between 8 and 8.30pm when everyone in the house falls asleep in their respective recliners waiting for the Nashville local news to come on, I decided to watch Disorderlies on my iPad. Disorderlies was recommended by former coworker and fellow Andrew WK fan*, Halee who offered this piece of Disorderlies propaganda:

It has the Fat Boys in it, and when they accidentally bump into each other, they edited in a "boing" sound effect.

Perfect. I sat there and giggled at the Fat Boys' sound effects and hijinx for a while, but then the news came on, people awoke and I felt anti-social so I turned the movie off to watch the news. (As it turns out, someone stole aluminum cans from the guy in Mt. Juliet who has been collecting aluminum cans from dumpsters for years and the community is outraged.)

The next day at the airport, I turned Disorderlies back on, but using subtitles because my headphones were wonky. I am not shocked to report that this movie is not as good with subtitles. Halee is right; the sound effects make or break this one.

Sadly, I never finished watching Disorderlies but that doesn't necessarily mean I hated it. Nay, I thoroughly enjoyed the 45 minutes of it that I saw. In fact, I would say that it is the perfect movie to watch on your iPad when you're in a room full of sleeping people and one of them has the remote but you don't have the balls to snatch it from their sleepy grip.

You should watch the trailer:

*Halee being a fellow AWK fan is relevant because there is a certain kind of person that appreciates and understands Andrew WK and because Halee is one of those people, I feel we have a certain kind of humor-connection. Also, while you're here in the Andrew WK supplementary notes area of this blog post, let me tell you this: Andrew WK is doing a 10 year anniversary tour for his album I Get Wet and guess who is going? You bet I am. March 24! Weeeee!

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