Tuesday, March 13, 2012


GAH! This box that I'm typing in? It used to contain a well-written, moderately humorous recount of the movie Idiocracy. I even set it to publish automatically, because I'm fancy like that, and then today when I logged back in? GONE! This is especially sad because I had a really well thought out analogy about Idiocracy's description  (satire/sci-fi/comedy) being a sandwich combining things that I love and hate, and I even found a way to relate it all back to the McDonalds Angus Mushroom and Swiss burger. But now the sandwich analogy is gone forever because I spent too long thinking about that analogy the first time so I can't justify going back and thinking it through again. Sad day.

Anyway, this will be quick because I'm pissed I have to rewrite it:
I really like Mike Judge (King of the Hill, Office Space, Beavis and Butthead) so went into this hoping to be fan. Sucked me right in from the start with the family tree storyline; so funny. Also, this movie was recommended by Dayton, who, come to find out also dislikes many movies! He and Angeleah walked out of one recently, which I can appreciate. (1997, Austin Powers. Walked out within the first 15 minutes. This is when I realized I might not like movies.) A recommendation from someone else who isn't into every movie out there carries some weight, so I was optimistic.

With that, I'm issuing an update to my stance on sci-fi. I do not hate all sci-fi, because this movie had many sci-fi elements and I found it quite enjoyable. BUT, the reason I was able to overlook the sci-fi aspects of it was because of the combination of the *theme* of the movie. It wasn't sci-fi for the sake of making something futuristic and fantastical. It was sci-fi for the sake of satire. And I love satire enough that I can overlook a lot of things to enjoy it. Acting - not great. Fancy cinematography - no. But it was an hour and a half of making fun of things, and I can get behind that:

The narrator (Earl Mann) explains that natural selection is indifferent to intelligence, so that in a society in which intelligence is consistently debased, stupid, irresponsible people easily out-breed the intelligent, creating, over the course of five centuries, an irremediably dim and sexually motivated dystopia. Demographic superiority favours those least likely to advance society. Consequently, the children of the educated élites are drowned in a sea of promiscuous, illiterate, proletarian peers.

If that sounds interesting to you, you'd probably like it.

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