Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I've been working from an office this week for the first time in over 2 years. There aren't any available desks at this office at the moment, so more specifically, I'm working in a conference room with my (Formerly) One and Only Coworker and The New Guy, who is on his second day. (Because there's really no better way to get to know your new coworker than spending 8+ hours a day in a room with them for a week, right?) Anyway, today while in said conference room, I got a call from my boss.

Boss (on phone): You know that one scene from Ghostbusters?
Me (on phone): No, I've never seen Ghostbusters. <I considered just lying and saying I knew what he was talking about but I'm a bad liar.>
Boss (on phone), Formerly One and Only Coworker (in room), The New Guy (in room) in unison: WHAT?!?!

Based on that reaction, I guess Ghostbusters needs to go on my list, so I'm adding it. My prediction: it's not as good if you didn't see it in the 80s.

1 comment:

  1. My prediction re: your prediction: true statement.
