Thursday, July 5, 2012


Earlier today (or yesterday? I'm time zone stupid.) I was on a flight to Istanbul, via Amsterdam which seems like the perfect time to watch a movie. For the record, I hate movies a lot less when there's really nothing else for me to do. If given the choice between watching a movie on a plane vs. staring into the back of the seat in front of me for 8 hrs, in that context I really like movies for at least half the time.

Earlier this week, my boss sent me two recommendations: Snatch and Memento. After I confirmed that one of these films wasn't pornographic in nature, I added them to my list. Turns out the plane had Memento as one of the on-board movies so I watched it since the recommendation was fresh in my mind and a few others had also suggested it.

It was a pretty interesting movie. Sure, I checked a few times to see how much time was left in the movie but it wasn't because I thought I was going to go ape shit if it didn't end soon enough. I just wasn't sure how much more my sleep deprived brain could comprehend and needed a gauge of how much more cognititve activity would be required. I liked that the movie required cognative ability though; you can't just half-watch this one or you'll be really confused.

I totally appreciate the attention to detail and the way the plot worked out. Maybe a little predictable, but the way it was executed made me not turn it off. Not on my favorites list, but also not on my "Movies That Make Me Violent" list. A solid "meh."

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