Friday, March 30, 2012

Dan In Real Life

No, I did not watch Dan In Real Life. In fact, until yesterday, I didn't even know this movie existed. Here is an IM transcript of how I found out:

Coworker: have you seen dan in real life?*
Me: yes.
Coworker: Awesome.**
Me: he's really nice. i'm always surprised at how when i'm in seattle he remembers who i am.

Next time you aren't sure exactly how out of touch I am, just think back on this.

 *Let me interject here because there are two things to note: 1. Utter lack of grammatical consideration for the movie title 2. The CFO of my company is named Dan

 **Another interjection: I should have just stopped here, sometimes I don't know why I keep talking.

In other news, I have not given up on watching movies, I'm just behind on documenting it. Coming up: Limitless, The Descendants, The Hunger Games, Horrible Bosses and maybe A Clockwork Orange, but I'm not entirely sure I'm going to finish that one. Stay tuned.

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