Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Shawshank Redemption

I'm so far behind on posting movie reviews. Aside from this one, I have FOUR more I need to review (including one I can't remember and TWO in the theater!) WHO AM I?

Back to the task at hand. I went to Turkey and Greece last month two and a half months ago (which was pretty much the most incredible thing I'll ever do) and so spent some time on airplanes. I knew there would be movies so I looked at what the selection was. Nothing stood out. (Read: I hadn't heard of any of them) Kara had sent me a book recommendation (A Good Man Is Hard To Find, Flannery O'Connor - liked it) so I decided to solicit a movie recommendation from one of the top 3 movie-fanatics I know, Troy. (Troy S. - not to be confused with Troy B. for those of you from the Nashville-era) I told him: one movie recommendation, I'll download it, if I hate it we're not friends when I get back from vacation, so choose wisely. He chose Shawshank...

...For the win! 

Likable, relatable characters. I've decided that is one thing that is a must if I'm going to watch an entire movie and if I were in prison I would *absolutely* be the one doing people's taxes so - perfect match!

I did watch the whole thing, and it went by pretty quickly. (Partially due to the fact that I was eating something called a McGreek while I watched it from the airport McDonalds.) The old librarian man got to me; so sad. I didn't see the ending coming. And...I'd actually watch it again.